The Lose Your First 10 Lbs Workshop
Ginger’s pale lips trembled as she took a slow, deep breath and held back an avalanche of joyful tears.
She had been overweight since she was in her 20’s and since then she’d tried dozens of different diets.
Weight Watchers... Jenny Craig… Nutrisystem… Atkins… Keto… Paleo… and many more.
You name it, she tried it.
She tried nutritionists. She followed their strict, regimented, complicated plans to the T.
She tried grueling workouts that lasted well over an hour daily. She pushed through the pain, soreness and fatigue because her personal trainer told her it was necessary to get into great shape.
For 30 Years...
Each time she’d lose a few pounds…
Then rebound and gain it all back plus a few extra pounds, just to kick her while she was down.
Over and over and over she failed, her confidence shattering with each new diet that didn’t work.
- The REAL reason weight loss plateaus happen and how to avoid them (and why a simple drop of water can make all the difference)...
- How to recalibrate your metabolism to “permanent fat-burning mode” by avoiding one key mistake most diets make…
- The 1 little-known secret to preventing your body from storing excess fat,
EVEN if you overeat… - And SO much more.
What I’m about to share is why people from all across the world…
Women and men of all ages…
Are finally seeing results when nothing else worked for them in the past.
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